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Whootah heard in Charlotte!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:02 pm
by bgwfreak777
No lie, I was out for lunch Friday afternoon and I heard "Whootah!"

I looked around expecting to see Jonathan or one of you guys and it was some random guy. :lol:

So when is wikipedia going to pick up Whootah! :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:15 pm
by radial
aha that's great. My ex roomate and her boyfriend now live down there, maybe it was him? He's going to college somewhere around there. or maybe it was just some random guy. coolness! you should of said whootah back to see if they'd respond. (that is in the licensing agreement, you know :lol: )
wikipedia has a corn cob up their a$$, they like to delete things that aren't actually noteworthy. although whootah is in fact a unique word and we do have the site. last april fools i added our sell off of whootah to jonathan on the wikiepdia list of april fools jokes. it was quickly moved to the less notable jokes page, and off of the main page.