site unavailable earlier

Sorry for the trouble this morning, but our latest trip pictures to Carowinds from Jonathan and from Alan helped to push our site over our bandwidth limit again. To compound the problem, our web hoster has changed servers and some people were seeing old website information. It caused the ip addresses of the website to switch and the DNS information had to be propogated out to the internet. For instance, a weeks worth of forum posts were missing because you were stuck seeing the old server while others were seeing the new sever. Should all be resolved now. Maybe we should look into a donation button, or sell some more t-shirts to help resolve the bandwidth problem.

In other news, we greatly appreciate the songs that were submitted at our last reader request post.  Many thanks to reader Ethan Rogers who submitted a song, and to Sue and Barbara also, although Sue and Barbara are already official whootah members, and we really  expected all our members to contribute.  However, as usual that was not the case.  Keep up the good work guys.

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